
Introducing Campaigns tab to your AdMob UI

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Tanggal: 4 Jul 2016 13:12
Subjek: Introducing Campaigns tab to your AdMob UI

Help grow your app earnings using Campaigns
AdMob by Google
Your Publisher ID: ca-app-pub-8105197997539710
We're launching Campaigns to your AdMob UI, a powerful tool to help you more effectively manage your house ad and direct deal campaigns. With Campaigns, you'll be able to:
  • Cross promote your apps using powerful house ads
  • Help earn more revenue from direct sold campaigns
Help grow your app earnings using Campaigns
Help grow your app earnings with Campaigns:
  • Deliver the right type of ad with innovative ad formats, such as app promotion, image, text, HTML5, Video CTD
  • Prioritize certain campaigns over others and based on CPMs/CPCs
  • Set four different goal types: number of impressions, number of clicks, percentage of traffic, or mediated based on CPM
  • Target campaigns by ad unit, location, language, carrier bandwidth and much more
  • Get detailed performance reports on campaign progress and conversion tracking
  • Cross promote multiple apps in a single house ad campaign
Going forward, you'll be able to manage all of your house ad and direct sold campaigns from the Campaigns tab. Because of this, we are removing the Promote tab.
If you're running house ads or paid advertising campaigns under Promote, please see below FAQ:
What's going to happen with my current campaigns under the Promote tab?
Starting in September, new campaign creation or existing campaign editing will be disabled, while active campaigns will continue to run until November. The Promote tab will be completely removed by December 2016.
What do I need to do?
If you are running house ad campaigns under the Promote tab
We encourage you to migrate existing house ad campaigns from the Promote tab to the Campaigns tab.
Migrate to Campaigns
If you are running paid promotions under Promote tab
AdMob is moving all support for paid advertising campaigns to AdWords. We recommend you use AdWords to run paid advertising campaigns.
Get started with AdWords
To learn more about Campaigns, check out the AdMob help center.
See you online,
The AdMob Team
Google Inc. 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043
Email Preferences: We sent you this email because you have indicated that you are willing to receive occasional AdMob performance suggestions. If you do not wish to receive such emails in the future you can opt out by clicking

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