
Blockchaincanada.org: The inaugural meetup

Just finished attending a meet up sponsored by www.blockchaincanada.org. The room was filled to capacity - illustrating the excitement around the disruptive technology right here in Toronto. 

Alan Wunsche, co-founder of the organization, walked through the road map of the non- profit organization, which looks at multiple initiatives to raise the profile of blockchain in Canada and prevent the departure of luminaries in the field, such as Vitalik Buterin (Alan wasn't so specific, but I decided to read between the lines).

The organization is driven by community, and the thoughtware to be produced by the group will rely on the volunteers. For example, I volunteered for the accounting working group to explore Canadian initiatives around triple entry bookkeeping and alternative accounting models.

For those interested, in a deeper dive into blockchain checkout their blockchain hackathon this weekend.

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