
20 Jul 2016 - 27 Jul 2016: Weekly Update for Your Tracking Campaign


Dear valued SEMrush user,

Here is the latest update for your Position Tracking tool's campaigns:
Project: bengkelcargolift.com (bengkelcargolift.com)
Location: United Kingdom, Device: desktop, Keywords: 9
Date range: 27 Jul 2016


Domain Visibility Change
bengkelcargolift.com (you) 3.85% -1.16%
www.Bengkelcargolift.com 3.66% +1.74%

Number of keywords in TOP 3

Domain # Keywords Improved Declined
www.bengkelcargolift.com 0 0 0
bengkelcargolift.com 0 0 -1

Number of keywords in TOP 10

Domain # Keywords Improved Declined
www.bengkelcargolift.com 2 +2 0
bengkelcargolift.com (you) 2 +1 -1

Number of keywords in TOP 20

Domain # Keywords Improved Declined
www.bengkelcargolift.com 2 +2 0
bengkelcargolift.com (you) 2 +1 -

Number of keywords in TOP 100

Domain # Keywords Improved Declined
bengkelcargolift.com (you) 3 +1 -2
www.bengkelcagolift.com 2 +2 0
View Overview Report
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