
Everyone should pay more attention to Underwater Archaeology & Here’s Why

Underwater Archaeology, as its name suggests, would be the archaeology which takes place underwater.  So, why exactly should we bother with Underwater Archaeology? Simply put, that’s where the answers are. All of them.

Underwater Archaeology Yonaguni Monument Japan
The Yonaguni Monument, 30 meters underwater, Japan. Source.
For anyone that questions current accepted model of human history; for anyone that thinks that intelligent civilizations have existed long before us; for all of the OOPARTS that contradict everything we think we know—the answers are all around us. Literally. Right off the coast.

An Ultra-Brief History of Humanity

The belief that we can find the true story of pre-history underwater is based on two main ideas:
We are taught that we first entered the Neolithic Era at approximately 10,000 BC. The Neolithic Era describes the period where humans began transitioning from hunter-gatherer-wanderer communities to more stable settlements, agriculture, and domesticated animals. In essence, this is when the first cities began.

Assuming the traditional model of human evolution, the first homo sapiens emerged approximately 200,000 years ago. This is disregarding previous ‘homo’ species, which actually already had fire and stone tools for tens of thousands of years before homo sapiens evolved.

In just 12,000 years, (or 3 million years, if we include the previous ‘homo’ species that came before us,) we transitioned from the Stone Age to landing on the moon. Are we to then assume that it took the previous 188,000 years, to transition from being bipedal apes to using simple tools? In case you’re having a hard time imagining the scale of those years, here’s how it would look on a timeline. (Click to enlarge.)

Human History Evolution Timeline
An Ultra-brief Human History Timeline.
The point of this is that 10,000 BC isn’t when humans began to build cities. It’s when humans began to build cities again. Zero to the moon in 10,000 years flat? Clearly doable. But, 188,000 years to do absolutely nothing? Debatable.

But, if there were previous civilizations that were as advanced as us, shouldn’t there be proof? Well, that brings me to my next point.

Human History and our Love for Water

Below, you’ll see a current map of the world which is colored based on population density. As you can see, dense populations tend to thrive along the coast. This is for multiple reasons, such as fishing, trade, and pleasant sea breeze. All that is beside the point though. The image speaks for itself.

Coastal Population Density - World Map
The world, by population density. Source.
In this next image, you will see a map of the world during the last ice age. In case you are new to this topic, large amounts of ice would mean less water in the ocean. This would also mean more land, extending most of our coastlines further than they are now.

World Map during Ice Age
An Ice Age world map. Source.
There are two main things to note about this image. The first would be the coastlines. You may notice a much larger South America. Furthermore, the scattered islands of Indonesia and the Philippines (which are presently over 20,000 different islands,) are joined as two main land masses: Sahul and Sundaland. The next point to note would be the fact that much of present day North America and Europe are covered in ice. This would make them as uninhabitable as Antarctica is today.

So what’s the point of this?

Rising Sea Levels – What does it mean for us?

This next image shows a “before and after” of our last Ice Age. The areas in green being our current land, and the areas in brown representing previous land that is now submerged.

Ice Age World Map vs. Present World Map
The Ice Age. Source.
In case it’s still vague what I’m getting at, get this: Presently, a billion people live within 20 meters of sea level. One billion. BILLION. In other words, should the sea levels rise by 20 meters, a billion people will find themselves underwater. So what happens if sea levels rise by 50 meters? Or 100 meters?

The last Ice Age ended about 11,700 years ago. This basically meant large amounts of melting ice, and ocean levels rising by approximately 100 meters. If there was an advanced civilization before us: Atlantis, Lemuria, Mu. Well, now you know where they are. Maybe it wasn’t a complete fairy tale to say that they were swallowed by the sea.

On a side note, note the date: Maybe it isn’t such a coincidence that our “first cities” began just 10,000 years ago.

Underwater Cities Found!

Carrying on with the same theme, here are just a few things that we have discovered underwater so far. Let us remember that cities do not simply sink into the sea. If a city is found underwater, the first question should be: Why? (and after that, when?)

The Yonaguni Monument, Japan.

Yonaguni Monument Japan - Underwater Archaeology
The Yonaguni Monument, 30 Meters underwater, off the coast of Japan. Source.
 The site is located off the coast of Yunaguni in Southern Japan, about 30 meters underwater. Scroll up to the Ice Age map. The only time this area would have been above water would be during the last Ice Age. It would have to have been built at a time when people were still “hunter-gatherers.” It would have to have been built before anyone ever built any cities. It would predate the oldest man-made structures we think we know. (unless, of course, it was built by mermaids.)

The Gulf of Cambay, India

Gulf of Cambay, Underwater city Khambat
The sun shines on the Gulf of Cambay, India. Source.
 Geometric features have been discovered off coast of Gujarat in west India, between 20 – 40 meters underwater. The site contains granaries, baths, and a drainage system, plus thousands of artifacts such as jewelry, stone tools and pottery. Similar to the Yonaguni Monument, these could only have been built during the last Ice. 

Those are just two of so many underwater cities that have been discovered. The discovery of an underwater city means so much more than just a city that has sunken into the sea. Cities don’t just sink into the sea. Underwater cities change the entire model of human history and everything we think we know about our “origins.”

So many underwater structures have been discovered, including the outrageously old Rama Bridge and the Pyramid at the center of the Bermuda Triangle. If these things are truly man-made, it very literally changes everything we think we know.

We don’t know much about our underwater pre-history at the moment, but for the ones that we do find, it means a lot more than we think. It’s not whether or not the stories of Atlantis were true. In fact, forget Atlantis. That is not the point here.

The point is that history did not start 12,000 years ago. It restarted 12,000 years ago. Evidence of that is all around us. Just off the coast.

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