
Top Mobile Trends & Creative Best Practices - AdColony June Newsletter

Tanggal: 1 Jul 2016 01:30
Subjek: Top Mobile Trends & Creative Best Practices - AdColony June Newsler

Hello!  From our new app install marketing study to the latest trends in mobile publishing & engagement, check out the latest news from AdColony.
Publisher Spotlight: Bearbit Studios - Brothers Mario & Remco of the hit app Smashy Road discuss their inspiration, lessons learned, & plans for the future.
New App Install Marketing Study: Video Creative Best Practices - Learn which creative elements boost IR for which apps in our new comprehensive study.
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The News Subscription Squeeze & The Shift to Apps - How savvy news publishers are reinventing monetization models as readers shy away from subscriptions.
Tracking Time: Mobile Growth Traced to Apps - What the latest eMarketer data tells us about our time consuming television, mobile, desktop, radio, & print.
Multiscreen Impatience: Captivating Distracted Users - What we expect of the myriad of screens vying for our attention and what this means for publishers.
App Install Marketers Search for AdColony First - Thalamus, a discovery & review platform for online advertising, revealed the top 100 sought after UA providers.
WWDC Results vs. Android's Growing Market Share - What the latest numbers, repeat customers, & app store growth mean for mobile app developer revenues.
Encouraging F2P Engagement & Loyalty - How the right mobile CRM tools can improve user loyalty & quadruple in-app purchase conversion rates.
Captivating the Senses: How Haptic Ads Improve Engagement - Top brands are driving benchmark-breaking engagement, brand lift, and recall. Learn how.
Slimming Down: Fighting SDK Fatigue and Bloat - The latest alarming data from SafeDK and the drain SDK bloat has on app performance and install rates.
Kochava Mobile Summit
In July, the AdColony EMEA team is heading over to Grosvenor Square for the App Promotion Summit, a one-day event with a stellar session schedule.
Kochava Mobile Summit
If you're attending Casual Connect, don't miss our UA panel, our engagement & monetization talk, or the party at City Hall! Stay tuned for more details.
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