
UPDATED: I Am a Ukrainian. This Needs to Go Viral

I Am a Ukrainian. This Needs to Go Viral
February 21, 2014

Thank you for the find on this brother Tallison. Very moving video indeed. Happy to see it has over 5.3 mil hits on YouTube already. This is how messages spread. The people are waking up. My intention is set for the day to come where the fighting and resistance is no longer necessary. So BE it <3 ~BK

I am not a Ukrainian. But, the creator of this video is and it should make us all feel like we are. Watch it. Share it. Send it to your representatives. It’s not your problem. True. But all of our collective voices might be part of the solution.

If our shows of support as Europeans and Americans are weaker than Russia’s desire for control, the political ramifications of that will be felt. This simple, but powerful message has not gone viral the way videos of cats and laughing babies do — and it probably won’t, unless we do our best to make sure as many people as possible see it pop up on their news feeds.

This woman is brave and her message is clear. I dare you not to be moved by it.


UPDATE 2/22:

After posting this video on Facebook, the following video was shared in the comments. As always, discernment is the key. It is up to the reader to take a look at ALL the data and decide for themselves what they believe to be the Truth. ~BK


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