Time to Rise & Shine!
February 25, 2014
This was sent over to Bill, D and I yesterday, with a note to zero in on the 3rd and 4th paragraph. After reading it, I understand why. ~BK
Give in to the thought that you are not taking a chance on losing your sanity by thinking that there is life elsewhere in the universe, and you might have to entertain another thought: Is there life from elsewhere that is here with us now? Many of you have explored such thoughts and come to the conclusion that it is neither sane nor reasonable to think otherwise than that there is such an abundance of life in the universe you inhabit. Those of you who have wrestled with such thinking, or those who have always known it to be thus, are the ones who are going to have some explaining to do in the short-term forecast when the reality of the situation bumps into those minds which have not yet fathomed the weirdness nexus on that particular point. We are practiced in the art of explaining ourselves, and we have shared quite a lot of our insights about our reality with you over the many years that we have been in communication with you over this channel. Now it’s going to be your turn to relay that information far and wide, when the time for telling the story to those who have not yet come to terms with the thinking you are familiar with have the thoughts come to mind.
We are not saying that you have to disseminate information or start a blog, or any other such thing. We are merely suggesting that you make yourselves available to those who ask probing questions about the morality of extraterrestrial human existence or the implications of otherworld people on the fabric of the planetary population’s ability to survive as a unitary organism. In fact, to get a jump on things, you might want to begin entertaining some new questions in your mind, such as, how does the existence of the human species outside of the confines of Earth impact the fabric of terrestrial humanity’s concept of self? How would you feel if you were relegated to the lone outpost of a far-away place and no one listened to your stories of the beauty and loving nature of life in other places? What if no one saw you even though you loved them intensely and saw them suffering in the dying days of a world in transition, and had words of hope they were not tuned to hear? You believe the experience of being one who is awake on the earth now is the experience we have described, yet it is our experience as well. You see, there is much we have in common already! You are the ones who will bring our vibration to your world not through new-age generalizations or persuading the deaf to decide to hear. You are the embodiments of a divinity that we share, that we see in you and that you sense in us. Simply being in cognizance of that is enough to start the movement of thought in the direction of global awakening on a grand scale. If you don’t think so, let us tell you a story to put our suggestion into perspective.
Once long ago, there was a gentle farmer who tended his crops by day and rested in the cradle of nature at night. He knew neither loneliness nor sorrow, for he always allowed himself to be immersed in the nature of Nature, and the vibration of life filled every particle of his being. He noticed how life filled the land, how it poured through the sunshine and the rain. He saw it move in his fields and grow in his crops, and everywhere there was balance between the coming and going of life, like the ebb and flow of the tide of a river. One day, along came a neighbor, who had led himself to the man’s field by way of instinct, for the field was not visible from the world of city folk. His visitor asked him how his garden grew so lush when not a single other farm in the county was green or productive. The farmer paused in his communion with his fields and was silent a moment, attuning himself to the surrounding fields around his own land. The visitor thought he had misunderstood and had gone to sleep, but then the farmer opened his eyes and spoke directly: “I know neither famine nor drought as the energies of life-sustaining Earth. I know only the absence of turmoil and pestilence in the field I tend, for I make no allowance for them in the formula I apply to the crops. And that, kind sir, is that life knows living, and the absence of life is known when living is forsaken. My fields are abundant not because I believe they are but because I believe in nothing. My work is not based on the probabilities of extinction, but on the knowledge that life survives. I just get out of the way and let it course through the fields from whatever source it comes, from the soil, from the sun, and from my internal sense of connection to life itself. It is merely an extension of my own experience of life as un-separate from any of these things, either in my body or my thoughts, or in my awareness of life living in me.”
This is not the answer the visitor was expecting, but so receiving it, he thanked the farmer and went on his way, the words and demeanor of the man’s character reverberating through him with some sense of displacement from normal routine. He had never seen such power in gentleness, nor such gentle truth in the hands of any person he had met before. He thought and he dreamed and he found himself acting in ways he himself was unaccustomed to, triggered by the words the farmer had laid on his jaded yet receptive ears. He hadn’t expected it, that is true, but he felt as if he had gained some piece of a great puzzle he had long been attempting to put together in a different way. There were no pieces missing, nor was there anything to seek, he realized. Life is living and it takes on the form in its wisdom it chooses, to serve the sustenance of livingness itself.
We are here in great numbers both around and within your world, interacting with you in diverse ways, both outward and inward. You are seeing that in ways that are becoming more bold. It is to your delight, but consider, is it to another’s dread? Is it to another’s confusion that these things are becoming more apparent? We have been interacting with humanity over eons of your reckoning of time, as have other cadres of outworlders with varying intentions and levels of interceding in your world’s natural development. We have not brought ourselves to your attention to say that we are anything other than family and friends who love you, who love your world, who love life and who love seeing it expressing itself in such beauty and diversity as it does in Earth’s biosphere. We are here to say, let the structures of oppression fall and let the wild nature of life set your world on course for a blossoming of life which will astound you in its raw, unadulterated beauty. You are stirring, people of Earth, you are waking and you are opening your eyes by degrees. As you encounter newly awakened planetmates, remember the questions that first came to you, and remember the scenarios we have elaborated upon here. You are ready to say your truth in new ways and for new ears to hear them. Your fellow lightbearers are shining and together you shimmer around the planet, from our far-out vantage point. Know that those who have shunned your stories of the journey you have taken will soon be seeking you for counsel. Be gentle with them as we have been with you, insistent in expressing our love and respect for you and encouraging you to release those belief structures that have served their purpose and are needed no longer. Teach light by being light, dear ones, for your time has come and will be upon you soon. We are with you for support and guidance always. Seek us out in your heart and know that we are there, encouraging you silently, loving you and wishing you grace in all things.
In peace, we say, stars shine within each of you now. Let the shine within show
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