
One People -- One Planet -- Limitless Possibilities -- Mpowered Life

One People -- One Planet -- Limitless Possibilities -- Mpowered Life
January 27, 2015

As you can see, our 9 Gifts of Gaia concept has evolved much since writing the posts, here on this blog, about the Journey to Discovering Purpose. What a journey it has been! What an incredible feeling it is, waking up everyday, doing what I love; helping people.

I've been so blessed to attract the perfect team. All of whom share the same heartfelt intention and vision of making the world a better place, by dedicating our lives to something as simple as placing our individual and collective focus on the Empowerment of others. 

The question that drives us, and one which we continue to ask ourselves daily is, "what would the world look like, if people everywhere made it their daily intention to support one another, no matter the circumstances?" We don't have the answer to this question, yet the limitless possibilities within the notion are enough to keep us on the course, to do what we can to help make it so.

It doesn't take money to make a difference. It just takes Love. Action. Commitment. Follow through. I'm so grateful for all the amazing support for my work and this project. From the bottom of my heart, thank you. I pledge to show my deep level of gratitude by Empowering it Forward to as many others as I can. This is my commitment and promise. Everything is possible if we just believe. I BELIEVE~BK

2015 ~ The year the Impossible becomes the Inevitable

Below is our latest update on Indiegogo. If you have the means, donate $1, support the movement and get it on the next raffle! Just wait until you see what we will be giving away! ;)



14 Days to Go & We're Making Great Headway!

Despite a slow week of donations, the supportive energy coming in through our fan page and from people getting involved has been through the roof! 671 shares on Facebook is HUGE!

We've also transitioned this project from idea phase to full blown action! Since our last update, Brian Kelly, our Founder, has made a move over to a small village in Bali, Indonesia, called Ubud. This area is home to some of the most talented, yet under supported artisans in the world. Unfortunately, many of them cannot afford to pursue their passion for the arts, as they simply don't make enough to sustain themselves and their families.

We are on a mission to change that and will do so with your support. In just two weeks, Brian has already formed relationships with a small handful of rural artisans, living outside of the main city center, hearing their personal stories, and finding out how their lives would change if they had an outlet to offer their art on a wider scale.

This video update is with our first chosen artisan partner, Geru Bug. Geru is a traditional Balinesian wood carver with a beautiful story.


The winner of this beautiful hand carved mask from Geru will be announced later today on Facebook! Just wait until you see what we have in store for our next winner. All it takes is to share this campaign and you're in!

Thank you all so much for being a part of this project! Don't forget to share the campaign and use #empoweritforward on Instagram and Twitter, and help us make Empowerment go viral right now! The more we raise in this campaign, the more sustainable opportunities & lifestyles we will be able to create!

The story of Geru:
Mpowered Life is very pleased to announce that we have established a partnership with a very gifted artisan in the city center of Udud in Bali, Indonesia.

Geru Bug is carving Balinese masks since 15 years, which he offers through a small storefront. He carves the masks at his home and it takes about 3 days for a large mask to complete.

Geru is 32 years old and shares a house with 5 more family members. His family has a long tradition in wood carving which is where Geru derives his inspiration for his creative art from.

He uses waru tree wood from Karanasum which is part of the hibiscus family. Geru considers his artistic expressions to be a combination of traditional and modern art inspired from his higher self. His masks represent his passion and zest for life.

We are not surprised that Geru is not happy that the world of plastics has reached the island of Bali. If he would have the power to do so, he would change that.

Through our partnership, Mpowered Life will be able to offer these masks in our online storefront once it’s established. Being able to sell more of his beautiful masks would enable Geru to enhance the life of his family and create an empowered future for his local environment.

Here is our first campaign update video. Had no idea this would create such a buzz! So incredibly grateful for all the love & support <3 ~ BK

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