
One People Round Table Dec16, 2014 -- The OPPT Conversation Continues

One People Round Table Dec16, 2014 -- The OPPT Conversation Continues
December 17, 2014

Since broadcasting this show a few days ago, the majority of responses we've received have been very positive. Many seem to be grateful for our open-ness and transparency. However, there have been a few comments, eluding to time wasting focusing on "old stuff." My opinion is this: I have invested the last two years of my life into supporting and spreading the message of One People's Public Trust. I have also encouraged others to follow suit. If the possibility exists that I was a pawn in someone's sick game, then I want to know about. And equally as important, everyone else has a right to know too.

As I said in the video, the key for me is awareness. A deeper level of awareness allows for more informed choices. IF there is in fact a tie to Slavery 2.0 in all this and we KNOW about it, then our power multiplies exponentially in that knowing'ness. Also allowing for accurate information to be shared with those around us accordingly. Eyes opened. No fear. We push forward, stronger and more empowered than ever. Together We Rise. ~ BK

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