QEG Announcement: Help Bring Energy and Hope to Morocco!
March 13, 2014
It brings me great joy to share this exciting announcement with the world! About a week ago, Hope rang me up on Skype to share the news; The QEG project was moving forward and the village of Aouchtam, Morocco had been selected as one of two locations to receive a Quantum Energy Generator as a gift for the community!
The villagers here don't know it yet, but their lives are soon about to change. With Hope and FTW, releasing Free Energy to The People has never been about control, greed or profit margins, it's about assisting Humanity in freeing ourselves from tyranny and improving the quality of life here on Earth by getting the technology into the hands of the people who need it most. This campaign and the intention to release all the plans, open sourced on March 25th, (just two short weeks away) are proof of that pure objective.
Up to this point, this has all been made possible by YOU. The many of you from all around the world who have contributed your energy into making this dream a reality. What is about to transpire here in Morocco is just the beginning. Soon, developers, engineers and distributors from over 20 countries will have at their disposal all the necessary plans and blueprints to assist in providing QEG's throughout the world. No more waiting folks, the future is here NOW!
As Hope mentions below, the QEG is already bought and paid for but funds need to be raised to get her and the FTW development team out here to assemble it. If they don't book their tickets now the prices will go up and they may not be able to come. Please help us to make this happen, every little bit counts! On behalf of the whole crew here and all the villagers, we THANK YOU for all of your support!
As Hope mentions below, the QEG is already bought and paid for but funds need to be raised to get her and the FTW development team out here to assemble it. If they don't book their tickets now the prices will go up and they may not be able to come. Please help us to make this happen, every little bit counts! On behalf of the whole crew here and all the villagers, we THANK YOU for all of your support!
We have some very exciting news to share and we need your help! Fix the World (FTW) and the One People Community (OPC) of Aouchtam Morocco have joined efforts to help a village in need. This is an altruistic and humanitarian effort to help transform an entire village of people that need it the most. Thanks to the success of our campaign, FTW has been able to donate a Quantum Energy Generator (QEG) to the village! The generator will be used to pump water from the town well and supply 300 people with running water.
In addition, The One People Community of Aouchtam is now acquiring the warehouse, the tools, the engineers, and the people necessary to create their own cottage industry community unit (CICU) for QEG manufacturing and production to supply North Africa with QEG’s. This will completely transform the economy of the entire village, who are now living in poverty. Less than 50% of the people living there have electricity.
The QEG has been paid for by the beautiful friends and supporters of FTW, and true world change agents. The teams needed in Aouchtam are assembled. Everything is ready!
We have an urgent need to help pay for the travel expenses to get the QEG consulting team to Morocco. The trip will take place in April, but we need the funds to book the tickets NOW or else the price will go up and we may not be able to go. Anything that you can contribute quickly will help us get to Morocco so that we can ensure running water for the village and a successful CICU startup. This is just the beginning; we are creating our beautiful golden age on Earth by making a difference for people who need it most.
$6,460 needed for traveling Expenses for 3 people:
Airfare $5,000 3 Round Trip tickets US-Tangiers with Baggage.
Accommodations $400 Shared rental arrangement 3 people for 2.5 weeks
Meals $250 Meals at ($10-12) a day for 14 days
Car Rental/ Taxi $210 Rental Car for 7 days at $30 a day
Gofundme fees $600
Total: $6,460
Thank you so much for you help! We can’t do this without you and a new spirit of service to humanity!
Meet the village of Aouchtam:
Aouchtam Morocco is a small village overlooking the south western Mediterranean coastline towards the southern edge of Spain. This quant town is soon to become a nexus of consciousness, one amongst many that are emerging all over the world.
Aouchtam is home to a humble resident population of several hundred villagers whom are warm and welcoming. The Café and small market mark the village center. Economy functions mainly on tourism during the summer months and with a very simple life dominating the rest of the year. The people are traditional and down to earth. Life is very simple for some, using donkeys to pull water from the wells scattered throughout the town while others have well water pumped into grand houses over looking the sea.
Men can be seen herding goats up into the hill side or down by the beach. The sound of the sea can be heard 100 feet into land. A local baker, a women of traditional Moroccan descent, beats a simple wheat loaf out onto poly-ethylene patio tables serving a bakers bench and revealing the industrious nature of the people here.
5 Times a day the song of the Muslim call to Prayer can be heard throughout the valley. While being warm and friendly to each other in some instances, there are still cultural norms and traditions. Public affection between couples is looked down upon while friends and acquaintances can be seen walking down the street holding hands. Many of the women wear traditional Arab dress, while the men brandish western skinny jeans with bleach patches stylistically emblazoned back to front. The burka, a type of robe or shall with a hood is a standard amongst the men; a sort of ‘full body hoody.’
The Local school is housed next to the Café. The children there are bright and seem eager to soak up the wisdom life has to offer. The roof of the school leaks heavily due to civil engineering issues, and the main road up to the mountain homes is a semi level creek bed.
While Aouctham may have what the world would call “poor living conditions” – with some living in stone huts and straw shacks nestled into the hillside, nothing about the demeanor of the people speaks of unhappiness. Crime is low, the people gather to help each other in many ways. There is a general feeling of contentment with life exuded by the inhabitants.
Please see the following schedule below for QEG distribution and HopeGirl availability:
-The QEG will be open sourced by March 25.
-Full sets of documents including guidelines for how to start your own CICU will be published on the Fix the World Website by March 25.
-HopeGirl will be presenting the QEG to the world at the Alchemy Event Conference in April.
-HopeGirl and the QEG team will be traveling for the month of April and will have limited availability during this time until our return in May.
-Pre-orders for a limited number of QEG’s will commence in the middle of May.
-Consulting services to assist CICU start up’s for QEG’s will commence in the middle of May.
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