
Ascension Rising Conference -- OPAL Tour w/Brian, Bob & Lisa

Ascension Rising Conference -- OPAL Tour w/Brian, Bob & Lisa
November 8, 2013

This is the talk Bob, Lisa and I had in the main room at the conference. We spent almost five hours in the Roswell public library today to get this uploaded, considering the connectivity issues at the RV park. The workshop Bob and I did called "Unshackling the Matrix," will be posted (most likely) at some point tomorrow. My intention is to spend more time documenting this trip from this point on, as I have been so preoccupied with handling the logistical matters I haven't been able to blog or post on FB nearly as much as I would have liked to. What an amazing experience this has been! So much more to come...we are in the brink of incredible change...what a gift it is to be alive at this time. I love you all so much! Be well and be In-Joy dear friends! ~BK

p.s. It's the "OPAL" tour not the "OPLA" Tour....thanks Darius lol ;)

From Nanako:

Day 15 of the OPAL Tour.  We arrived here in Roswell, NM yesterday evening after a 10 hour drive from Benson, Arizona.  We had 5 RVs and 5 cars in our caravan, making communication and keeping all the ducks in line at times a logistical pretzel.  We all made it here safely with no issues manifesting while on the road.  We had tires blow out on 2 of the RVs during the beginning of the tour, so we were very pleased to make it here with all the RVs intact.  Interestingly, we found out this morning that Bob, Darius and Jim's RV miraculously made it here while driving with a partially intact transmission.  Is this tour being guided?  For sure - and the transmission is just one example.

Whenever we need something - it shows up.  We're not talking solely in the realm of financial support either.  We had Danny our angel mechanic in Sedona pop up out of nowhere and he worked his heart out on all the RVs to get them road ready.  He worked on our generator so we would have power, he worked on the electrical systems, he fixed lights, electrical plugs, supplied tools and knowledge, filled our tires with air.  Mind you - older RVs can be purchased at a fair price, but you're also buying a machine that has wear and tear, so having someone like Danny was such a blessing.  He contributed his energy because he believes in what the tour is all about and he said he's never seen anyone out there doing what we were doing, so he wanted to support us in whatever way possible.  And that's exactly what he did - without limits.  We LOVE and MISS you, Danny!!

It's amazing to connect with people in the arena of "absent limits" and to have them drawn to you like a magnet.  The tour is not only about the people, but more and more each day it is about the energetic signature that is being created through all the people.  That energy ripples out and attracts all the needed resources when the time is ripe.  A good friend once told me, "Worry has no future" and in this new paradigm we're creating - this is revealed to be true.  There is nothing to worry about because when you release all limits back into the void, then you are free to receive exactly what is needed when it is needed.  You don't need to hoard things anymore because it will always be provided for when you need it.  The tour is showing us all that when we release our need to know, our need to control and put limits upon things - there is an organic flow which knows only TRUTH.

Uniting the One People within that space of Truth is Absent Limits.  To live the vibration of Absent Limits has been an exercise of trust and letting go - completely.  We are being shown that no matter what shows up, it is always within perfection.  The energy of Absent Limits is alive and the more you pour yourself into it, the more response you receive from the field.  We are awake and uniting as ONE People - learning how to trust the Absolute Plan and learning how to love one another.  The result is seeing that in reality, there is always just ONE. 

- Nanako

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