
Can you Own an Idea? RE: Why I'm not going on OPAL Tour -- by Chase Binnie (Patents hold back Humanity)

Can you Own an Idea? RE: Why I'm not going on OPAL Tour -- by Chase Binnie (Patents hold back Humanity)
October 11, 2013


I thanked Justin for taking the words from my heart and expressing them so eloquently in this post. What a great discussion this has triggered. I'm absolutely loving it, because it is providing such a great opportunity for growth, understanding and awareness. There is no right or wrong answer. All opinions are valid and acceptable. When I first watched Chase's video, I too had to do some serious soul searching. The conclusion I came to couldn't possibly be better expressed than how Justin laid it out below. I love Chase and all the others who agree with his position on this matter, because it boils down to it being a moral issue for them. A desire to do what's "right." The issue there is, "right" will always be held in the eye of the beholder. Living Absent Limits and creating new advanced ways of living is forcing each of us to re-evaluate our views on so many aspects of our lives. The concept of "ownership" has proven to be a biggie. I'm looking forward to laying it all out on the table for all to digest, discern and determine what is in the highest alignment of "their" Truth. There is no wrong answer here. Only varying degrees of perception. We may not all walk away agreeing on this one. But we WILL come out of this expanded and in more ways than I think we can yet fathom. At first I had a lot of resistance to Chase publishing this video. NOW, I realize what a gift it has been. From the bottom of my heart Chase, thank you. No matter what the outcome, I hope we all understand how important it is to not allow this issue to divide us. We are family. We are One. Tolerance is the key. Love is the common thread. Bring on the expansion baby! ~BK

Thank you Chase for sharing your truth. This is needed now more then ever. Chase brings to light some very profound issues. I eluded to them briefly in this post.

Chase addresses something we should not overlook, that Paul has spend many years developing, caring and nurturing this technology and is very upset that it is going to be released without his consent. But there is more to this story then just an upset inventor. This is a moral issue and it is at the core of what it means to be human on earth right now.

The O.P.A.L. Tour Question

The issue here is: Should the O.P.A.L. Tour release technology which the inventor asked not be released because they own the technology. Simple issue yet, profound impacts in consciousness for those who are brave enough to ponder them.

Do Patents help or enslave Humanity?

This is an issue of ownership, and what is 'right'; in the absolute spiritual sense. In the world of man, where man decides by FIAT (noun 1.a formal authorization or proposition; a decree.) what are "law's" there is a technology called a 'patent' which allows for someone to claim ownership of an idea. Let me say that again to make it abundantly clear to you. There is a legal process to allow for people to take ideas, concepts, dreams, systems, living organisms, and document that they OWN them. Now with this patent, they can enforce their ownership over the idea by preventing any other being from using it, unless they get their permission.

Definition of a Patent:

"a government authority or license conferring a right or title for a set period, esp. the sole right to exclude others from making, using, or selling an invention."

They literally become the masters of the technology and all others are but 'users.' A dependency is created whereby the users are now slaves to the master. This is a technological slavery system and it ultimately is used to hold back tech to allow others advantage in the world. Patents ALWAYS LIMIT AND ALWAYS HINDER EXPRESSION. This is their main stated purpose as detailed above. Imagine what would happen to the medical industry if free healing devices were freely available to all? The medical industry will use the patent system to 'protect their interests' and stop at nothing to prevent free medical tech from being widely available.

Lets consider an example of how this system works at large in our world today:

Lets say you develop a new way of growing food that can use existing technology in your house, in a fast and cheep organic way, and want to give that technology away to help humanity. You start talking to your friends and family and your local community. Everyone agrees this is amazing tech and wants to start using it to help their friends and family. After 3 months your technology is in half the homes in your community. One day someone from a big company like G.E. hears about your tech and decides to go see it in action. He visits one of the locations and is given a demonstration, and he tells the demonstrator he wants the plans so he can bring them home and use them in his area. But instead the man from G.E. goes to the patent office and patents the technology you developed. Now in the world of man, you are stealing the tech you originally invented in the first place!

6 months later, your community is raided by the authorities and you are dragged into court and charged with patent infringement for not only using the tech you developed, but also giving it away to people for free. The authorities shut down all your technology and G.E. takes your tech and shelfs it in their vault. This once amazing technology which had the potential to feed billions of people with cheap, organic, easily accessible food is now unavailable.

The above example is EXACTLY HOW THE PATENT SYSTEM is used in our world. Everyone I am sure has heard of Monsanto and GMO foods ravaging the planet and humanity at this time. But do you know what Monsanto did was to patent genetic material taken from family farms and then sue the farmers for using their 'Intellectual Property?' Farmers who had owned their farms and seed stock for generations lost everything; my neighbor here in florida had a family farm and Maine and lost everything because of the very system I just described.

Can you own an idea?

For all those who think using the tech is 'bad' or 'criminal' ask yourself who has the right to own an idea? The ultimate answer according to Natural Law, (the laws which are self evident and omnipresent in creation) state that knowledge is the inherent right of all intelligent life. Therefore, no man, or group of people can RIGHTFULLY claim ownership of an idea.

No matter how many laws we write on paper and no matter how many people you get on your side, owning an idea WILL NEVER BE LAWFUL ACCORDING TO CREATION, THE UNIVERSE OR GOD. I am not stating opinion, this is not a belief I am asking you to consider. I am telling you the facts. I strongly consider you research Natural Law if your confused by these concepts.

What this issue means for YOU, and our new World

The greater issue here is what do YOU think is right, and will you continue to empower a system which is against natural law. I think we can safely say everyone wants to be recognized for their hard work, and Paul's dedication to this technology is amazing. But no matter how much work he has put into this tech IT IS NOT PROPERTY. It is the right of all intelligent life to use knowledge as they see fit. And no other being has the RIGHT to stop them from using it. The universe agrees.

Now on earth, if you asked people on the street what they thought about giving away technology someone had a patent for, they would probably respond by saying "this is breaking the law! The patent owner has ownership!" This reveals the degree to which humanity has lost its way and disconnected from source. Again no matter how many people you get on your side saying it is right to own an idea, it NEVER WILL BE. It maybe socially acceptable to say patents are valid, but in reality they are not, and we are hindering all of humanity by continuing to give energy to these systems of slavery.

The question we all should be asking ourselves is do we want to live in a world that not only goes against universal law (natural law) by trying to prevent others from expressing knowledge, but do we want to be accomplices to this violation? Do we want to live in a world were we continue to go along with limitation, suppression, mob rule, slavery systems, corporate power, etc?

The Choice (All of humanity must make)

It is hard for many to answer this because Paul's feelings and emotions are being effected. Yes releasing this tech will hurt him in that his desire will not be met, but is his desire for the good of all, and is it resonate with Natural Law? And who is ultimately responsible for having an unrealistic desire? The illuminati desire to enslave humanity, will be honor their request too? Does Paul have the RIGHT to claim ownership of an idea, THIS IS THE ULTIMATE MORAL QUESTION EACH OF US MUST WRESTLE WITH.

In My Opinion, I think to continue to support a social system of 'mob rule' where we attempt to break natural law and prevent others from expressing themselves is THE VERY WORLD WE ARE TRYING TO GET AWAY FROM. This issue is MONUMENTAL. Your choice will help create a new chapter for humanity and on earth inaction is choosing to accept the prevailing authority.

Choose to honor Paul's request: to suppress technology, and maintain the systems that enslave humanity. And give power to the patent system which keeps knowledge under the thumb of would-be controllers (all be it well intentioned).

Choose not to honor Paul's request: resonate with Natural Law, send a message to the would-be masters of this world that we are no longer honoring slavery systems and knowledge is free to all and can be used by all as they see fit.

PS - Thank you so much Chase for being brave and sharing your truth. I think creating a space for discussion and discourse, Collective Healing, as I like to call it, is so important in our changing world. This is the inner work that is needed so much now. And I also want to commend you Chase for being brave enough to create a space for loving conflict in a world were so many want to turn away from all conflict. Conflict is what allows un reconciled things to come into oneness. Thanks again from the bottom of my heart <3

- Justin

These are further comments Justin shared in a private conversation on Skype:

Judy: I'm truly loving this conversation, Justin, I can see your understanding so clearly and am also in self discovery mode on this issue. In the video Brian states that "What you are about to see involves no patents" .. How do we reconcile this?

Justin: I saw that too. Given the OPPT filings this is accurate. Plus i think the patent expired anyway. So even in the old paradigm, Paul may not have 'rights' to the tech.

But like we are all considering, its a world changing issue, big steps for big changes. And anyone who is centered around the old way is going to feel a reaction. This is GOOD! Reaction means reconciliation is occurring. The fear based belief systems we create can only be healed by going THREW the fear. You cant avoid it with nice words and apologies. We cant have our cake and eat it too with this one. We can't make everyone happy. Because ultimately WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR OTHER PEOPLES HAPPINESS! I forget who said it on one of the 5d shows but it really stuck with me "I am letting you off the hook for my happiness" thats big issue we seem to forget. People create their own moods by their choices and if people get upset about other people's DOings they have only to look within to change that.

We've got to detox from the addiction of catering to fears. I know when i saw chases video part of me was saying "omg he's right the cops are going to be all over us!!! We did steal Pauls precious baby, is this really right? what am i supporting exactly (i had to do some soul searching big time)"

But as i considered it more, i began to realize that this dependent part of myself, like stockholm syndrome, was trying to make someone else happy, and enable their distractive beliefs and behaviors. its like support a heroin addiction (which was for years btw). The addict will almost ALWAYS fight you when deep in the throws of a bindge. and each of us has been bingeing of fear for so long we don't know anything else. This is the fear within myself i had to go THREW, just like the addiction, you can't avoid it, only heal it. And once i did, i decided what my stance was, I knew i had to share it with the world, which took courage.

And it is courage, which will see us threw this. Courage to do what we know to be right, in the face of so much self created fear. Being brave and stand in our truths, even if it forces others to face their fears (because that is ultimately what we are always doing, you cant disturb other peoples energy, because they create it themselves)

the more and more i see the waves ripple out in creation from this, the more im starting to realize this release of tech has was/is a HUGE catalyst for collective healing. Just love watching it all come together! =) And i hope others can come to realize just how world changing this tour really has the potential to be.

Why I'm not going on OPAL Tour -- by Chase Binnie


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