
The FHA Condominium Approval Process

Want to know more about how FHA approves a condominium? Sign up for this webinar being presented by HUD.

Webinar Course Title:  FHA Condominium Approval Process
Date/Time:  September 18, 2013 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm Eastern

Location:  On-line Webinar – No Fee

Description:  FREE WEBINAR TRAINING – Online registration required.  The Program Support Division is sponsoring a webinar on FHA Condominium Approval Process; we will discuss the process itself, determining project eligibility, the loan level requirements, liabilities/monitoring, and lender requirements.  This webinar is designed for underwriters, loan officers, processors, brokers, agents, any interested parties, and any individuals new to FHA.

Special Instructions:  To register on line go to HUD’s Event Management and Registration System (EMARC) using the link above, and complete the form.  48 hours prior to the Event you will receive log-in instructions for access to the Webinar.  For additional information contact Ms. Matthews at 202-402-3794 or email her at tawanna.d.matthews@hud.gov.

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