
Earnest Money and CHFA Loans

CHFA (Colorado Housing and Finance Authority) offers down payment and closing cost assistance for Colorado home buyers and they only require the buyer to contribute $1,000 of their own money to the transaction.

However, if a buyer pays more than $1,000 in earnest money, they are NOT allowed to get the amount that is in excess of $1,000 back at the closing. So make sure that when your buyer is getting a CHFA loan, they only pay $1,000 in earnest money.

Have a buyer who needs a CHFA loan? Send them to us and we'll take care of everything for you.

Getting a loan approved is easy - if you know what to do. The Mortgage Experts know what to do!!!

Make sure you check out our web site:

By the way, don't forget to refinance your current mortgage. Rates are very, very low right now. Don't miss out! Call us today to get the details for your particular situation.

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